March For Our Lives Chicago
Over 80,000 people came to the March For Our Lives in Chicago on March 24th. For those that cannot come to Chicago, people around their...

Expect Us.
I am a mom to two little girls in elementary school. Elizabeth Stone is quoted “Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It...

Never Be In Love With Your Work
I hear this phrase often. I think about this phrase often. I believe it applies to everyone even if you are not an artist. My...
Copy, but don't steal
The best way to learn is to copy or imitate. You can take an artist you admire and see if you can make the same thing in the same medium...

Women's March Paintings: The Trio
This year I raised money for The Women's March by creating fine art prints. A percentage of the earnings were donated in January. I was...

I'm a member of Plein Air of Chicago. We paint outside on weekends when the weather is tolerable. This Saturday, Jan 13th, I will have...

Measuring Success
How do you measure success? Is it by money or is it by how well you did a task? Or do you compare yourself to someone else? If it is the...

Saying Yes Means Saying No Too
We all get pulled in various directions. But do you realize that when you say "yes" to an idea or event, you are also saying "no" ? Until...
Down The Rabbit Hole Or Focus
We all have been there. Something caught our interest and then we get sidetracked and then went off tangent to another idea. This can...
Accept criticism gracefully
We all get criticism daily in our lives. We can ignore it, take it to heart or learn from it. Which path do you choose? One time I was...